Giving to MPSDS
Thank you for considering a donation to the University of Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science.
The program seeks gifts to provide resources needed to attract and retain the finest students, to provide them with varied and challenging training opportunities, to maintain and enhance teaching facilities, and to support innovative research. We count on the generous support of our alumni and friends in helping us to continue to be a premier training program for future survey and data scientists.
We make two promises to donors: 1) we will be responsible stewards of any gifts received, and 2) we will strive to remain deserving of donor loyalty, friendship, and generosity reflected in the gift.
The Funds
Undesignated gifts are extraordinarily important to the continuing success and growth of the program. Contributions to the PSM Student Support Fund are used to provide additional support to recruit students and to provide another source of support to meet the needs and challenges of students.
The 2006 graduating class members of the Masters Program in Survey and Data Science established The Student to Student Fund to assist future cohorts of students in the program and to express their appreciation for the education and opportunities they had been given. Your gift to the Student to Student Fund will provide scholarship support for PSM’s next generation of Masters students.
Leslie Kish devoted his career to training statisticians, especially those from developing countries. This fund provides support for those from outside the U.S. who wish to attend the Summer Institute and study survey sampling.
This fund was established to honor ISR Founder and its First Director Rensis Likert. This fund provides travel funds for Ph.D. students in MPSDS and our partner program at the University of Maryland Joint Program in Survey Methodology to work with their mentors on dissertation projects.
This SRC fund was established to honor Charles Cannell as a mentor and to advance work directed at improving response validity in survey interviews
Corporate Research Partners with the Survey Industry
A number of companies have established partnerships with Ph.D. students and faculty in MPSDS to work on a survey problem of common interest. Abt Associates, Arbitron, Neilsen Media Research, and the Gallup Organization Europe have each developed a project that meets their strategic needs for research while supporting a PSM student. These partnerships enable students to work with faculty members on real-world problems and provide the company with insights to help its business. For more information about partnership opportunities, please contact please contact a member of ISR’s Development team.
How to Make a Gift
Gifts to MPSDS are tax deductible and may be made in a variety of ways.
- Cash, checks or credit cards
- Online via credit or debit card
- Recurring/monthly gifts or multi-year pledges
- Matching gifts (please include the appropriate paperwork from the matching organization)
- Securities (stock gifts)
- Planned Gifts
For more information about ways of giving, please visit the ISR Giving website. If you have any questions or would like assistance, please contact a member of ISR’s Development team.