General Information

Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science (MPSDS)

MPSDS is a program where students learn the science of surveys. Our students study with some of the world’s leading survey methodologists while pursuing their Master’s or PhD degree. The Program provides a rich intellectual environment for study and work at one of the premier public universities in the world.

MPSDS brings together faculty and scientists from the social and behavioral sciences in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts; the School of Public Health; the School of Information and the Institute for Social Research. Moreover, the quantitative, computational, and theoretical strengths of disciplines such as communication studies, economics, education, computer science, political science, psychology, information science, sociology, and statistics are integral to the empirical underpinnings of the program. With its depth and breadth of curriculum; faculty who are outstanding researchers, teachers, and mentors; exceptional research opportunities at the Institute of Social Research; and the extraordinary range of course offerings at the University of Michigan, the program offers qualified students superb educational opportunities.

Students in the program receive theoretical grounding in all aspects of survey methodology, from sample design and measurement, to data collection, extraction and wrangling, data visualization, statistical estimation, and probability and distribution theory. Students have the opportunity to explore novel ways to develop applications of survey methodology in a wide variety of fields. Survey methodology principles can be applied to professions such as market research, nursing, public health, natural resources, information sciences, and operations engineering, through courses taken in cognate areas within the rich, diverse academic environment of the University.

Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM)

The Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science has a partnership with the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM), founded in 1992 with support from the National Science Foundation and the US Bureau of the Census. JPSM is a consortium of faculty at the University of Maryland at College Park, the University of Michigan, and Westat, Inc., a survey research firm in Rockville, Maryland. JPSM offers interdisciplinary MS and PhD programs in statistical and social science concentrations of survey methodology. Degrees are awarded by the University of Maryland at College Park.

For more information about the JPSM, please contact:

Joint Program in Survey Methodology
1218 LeFrak Hall
College Park, MD 20742

Phone: 301-314-7911
Fax: 301-314-7912
Web site: