Research Associate Professor, ISR
Sunghee Lee is is the director of the Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science. She holds a PhD from the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland. Before joining the Michigan Program in Survey and Data Science, she served as Survey Methodologist for California Health Interview Survey and an Adjunct Assistant Professor in Biostatistics at UCLA. Her research interest includes sampling and measurement issues in data collection with linguistic and racial minorities as well as hard-to-reach populations and cross-cultural survey methodology.
Research Interests
Data Collection with Minority Groups, Sampling Hard-To-Reach Populations, Respondent Driven Sampling, Cross-Cultural Survey Methodology, Total Survey Error, Measurement of Subjective Well-Being, Minority Health
Selected Publications
Lee, S., Fredriksen-Goldsen, K., Kim, H.-J., McClain, C., and Suzer-Gurtekin, Z.T. (2018). “Are Sexual Minorities Less Likely to Participate in Surveys? An Examination of Proxy Nonresponse Measures and Associated Biases with Sexual Orientation in a Population-Based Health Survey.” Field Methods. 30 (3): 208–224.
Davis, R., Johnson, T., Lee, S., and Werner, C. (2018). “Why do Latino Survey Respondents Acquiesce? Respondent and Interviewer Characteristics as Determinants of Cultural Patterns of Acquiescence among Latino Survey Respondents.” Cross-Cultural Research, 1-29.
Lee, S., Suzer-Gurtekin, Z.T., Wagner, J. and Valliant, R. (2017). “Total Survey Error and Respondent Driven Sampling: Focus on Nonresponse and Measurement Errors in the Recruitment Process and the Network Size Reports and Implications for Inferences.” Journal of Official Statistics, 33(2), 335-366.
Lee, S., Liu, M., and Hu, M. (2017). “Relationship between Future Time Orientation and Item Nonresponse on Subjective Probability Questions: A Cross-Cultural Analysis.” Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(5), 698-717.
Lee, S., McClain, C., Webster, N., and Han, S. (2016). “Question Order Sensitivity of Subjective Well-Being Measures: Focus on Life Satisfaction, Self-Rated Health and Subjective Life Expectancy in Survey Instruments.” Quality of Life Research, 25(10): 2497–2510.
Current Research Projects
Evaluation of Error Properties and Productivity of Respondent Driven Sampling from Total Survey Error Perspectives
Addressing Acquiescence: Reducing Survey Error to Promote Latino Health
Healthy Michigan Plan CMS Evaluation
Michigan Section 298 Pilot Demonstration Evaluation
Improving Data Capacity for American Indian_Alaska Native (AI_AN) Populations