Trivellore Raghunathan

Trivellore Raghunathan
Email Address:

Research Professor, Director of Survey Research Center, ISR; Professor of Biostatistics, School of Public Health; Research Professor, JPSM

Trivellore Raghunathan is Chair and Professor of Biostatistics, Research Professor in the Survey and Data Science Program at the Institute for Social Research and Research Professor at University of Maryland. He received his Ph.D. in Statistics from Harvard University in 1987. He Joined University of Washington as Assistant Professor in 1987. He moved to University of Michigan 1994 as Associate Professor.

Research Interests:

Analysis of incomplete data, multiple imputation, Bayesian methods, design and analysis of sample surveys, small area estimation, confidentiality and disclosure limitation, longitudinal data analysis and statistical methods for epidemiology.

Selected Publications:

Recai M Yucel, Enxu Zhao, Nathaniel Schenker, Trivellore E Raghunathan; Sequential Hierarchical Regression Imputation, Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, Volume 6, Issue 1, 1 March 2018, Pages 1–22,

Lohr, Sharon L.; Raghunathan, Trivellore E. Combining Survey Data with Other Data Sources. Statist. Sci. 32 (2017), no. 2, 293--312. doi:10.1214/16-STS584.

Kaciroti N. A., and Raghunathan T. (2014), Bayesian sensitivity analysis of incomplete data: bridging pattern‐mixture and selection models, Statist. Med., 27, 4841–4857, DOI: 10.1002/sim.6302

Trivellore E Raghunathan, Dawei Xie, Nathaniel Schenker, Van L Parsons, William W Davis, Kevin W Dodd & Eric J Feuer (2007) Combining Information From Two Surveys to Estimate County-Level Prevalence Rates of Cancer Risk Factors and Screening, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 102:478, 474-486, DOI: 10.1198/016214506000001293

E. Raghunathan, Trivellore & Lepkowski, James & H. Van Hoewyk, John & W. Solenberger, Peter. (2000). A Multivariate Technique for Multiply Imputing Missing Values Using a Sequence of Regression Models. Survey Methodology. 27.
Current Research Projects

A Census-Enhanced Health and Retirement Study: A Proposal to Create and Analyze an HRS Dataset Enhanced with Characteristics of Employers

Adding Key Health Measures to the Housing and Children’s Health Development Study

Addressing Disclosure Risk of Contextualized Microdata in Survey Design

Health, Wealth, and Time Use Over the Life Course and Across Generations

Housing Effects on Children’s Development

Housing Trade-Offs as They are Perceived and as They Affect Children’s Well-Being – HUD

Housing Trade-Offs as They are Perceived and as They Affect Children’s Well-Being – NICHD

How Housing Affects Families with Children

How Randomly Distributed Vouchers Affect Biology and Health

Novel Methods for Incorporating Sample Design in Bayesian Inference

Using Satellite National Health Accounts to Understand Health and Cost Changes

Validation and Extension of the Michigan Barrett’s Esophagus pREdiction Tool (M-Beret)