Michael Elliott

Michael Elliott
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Research Professor in Survey and Data Science Program, ISR; Professor of Biostatistics, School of Public Health

Michael Elliott is a Professor of Biostatistics and a Research Professor at the Institute for Social Research. He received his Ph.D. in biostatistics in 1999 from the University of Michigan. Prior to joining the University of Michigan in 2005, he held an appointment as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Dr. Elliott's research interests include the design and analysis of sample surveys, causal inference, and missing and latent variable data structures.

Research Interests

Design and analysis of sample surveys, including Bayesian finite population inference, accounting for missing data, respondent driven sampling,
adaptive/responsive survey designs, and interviewer effects, inference from non-probability samples, and respondent driver surveys; causal inference, including non-complaince in randomized trials and use of surrogate markers in clinical research; longitudinal data analysis, including variance as a predictor of health outcomes,

Selected Publications

Elliott, M.R.(2023). “Surrogate Endpoints in Clinical Trials,” Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application,10, 75-96

Coffey, S., West, B., Wagner, J., Elliott, M.R. (2020). “What Do You Think?  Using Expert Opinion to Improve Predictions of Response Propensity under a Bayesian Framework,” to appear in methods, data, analysis14, 159-194

Elliott, M.R., Valliant, R. (2017).  “Inference for Non-probability Samples,” Statistical Science, 32, 249–264.

Zhou, H., Elliott, M.R., Raghunathan, T.E. (2016). A Two-Step Semiparametric Method to Accommodate Sampling Weights in Multiple Imputation, Biometrics,  72, 242-252.

Jiang, B., Elliott, M.R., Sammel, M.D., Wang, N. (2015). Joint Modeling of Cross-Sectional Health Outcomes and Longitudinal Predictors via Mixtures of Means and Variances, Biometrics, 71, 487-497.

Current Research Projects

COVID-19 Recovery Surveillance

Variance as a Predictor of Health Outcomes

ACL-LIFE Life History Interview and Validation

Prenatal Exposures and Child Health Outcomes: A Statewide Study

Dynamics and Health Consequences of Obesity between Infancy and Young Adulthood in the United States

The Impact of Tobacco Control Policies on Health Equity in the United States

Cognitive Resilience and Community Context: Examining the role of Neighborhood Built and Social Environments for Slowing the Progression of Dementia among Older Americans

Novel Methods for Incorporating Sample Designs in Bayesian Inference

Evaluation of Error Properties and Productivity of Respondent Driven Sampling from Total Survey Error Perspectives

Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN) V: Michigan Site